A row of shoes on the floor next to the bottom half of a woman's body in a red skirt with the text Her Style Story

Meet Patricia, A Style Reset Client

By Rita Cheng / July 29, 2022

Patricia wasn’t sure if stylish clothes existed in her closet.  She hired me after she turned 30, go married, and was accepted to medical school. She was ready to level up her personal style so she could make a good impression in front of her peers and mentors in her new medical program. Previously she…

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New Jersey Accessible Style Personal Stylist Client of Neepa Sikdar, Her story - everyday women with accessible style - Karen

Her Stories – Everyday Women with Accessible Style: Meet Karen

By Neepa Sikdar / June 13, 2019

Meet Karen: Mom of 2, community leader and office manager in New York City. I met Karen 9 years ago at a PTA meeting. She convinced me to be class mom, sign up to co-chair the book fair, and participate in the bake sale all in the same meeting. I always joked that she was…

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